Resources & Tips
Sample Agenda for Gathering
5:20 - Host and Co-Host launch Zoom meeting
5:30 - People arrive
Co-Host (emcee) welcomes people and makes small talk
Host takes attendance to confirm groupings
Host asks folks to rename themselves if needed
5:34-5:38 - Emcee does official welcome while Host assigns breakouts
Breakouts will be set as 9 minutes with 60 second close
Remind people of the vision for the Gathering
Explain agenda, three rounds of breakouts with interludes in between
Share the conversation prompt and type it into the chatbox
5:38-5:48 - Breakout ONE (pairs)
5:48-5:52 - Interlude: Emcee launches poll
Share the conversation prompt and type it into the chatbox
5:52-6:02 - Breakout TWO (triads)
6:02-6:12 - Interlude: Emcee facilitates trivia game
Share the conversation prompt and type it into the chatbox
6:12-6:22 - Breakout THREE (pairs)
6:22-6:30 - Close
Private chat anyone you want to connect with to thank them, or to arrange a follow up, exchange contact info, make sure to write it down!
Thank people for coming
If desired, close with a screen shot where you give people advance warning so they can smile
Interlude Activities
Poll ideas
Polls are helpful warm ups for interludes. We recommend creating polls that reflect common experiences widely shared in your community. Here are some general icebreaker poll questions and other advice on crafting fun questions.
Trivia games
A good way to lead trivia games in an online gathering is to use the Chat function. Have the Co-Host/Emcee read off each question out loud. Then ask people to type their individual answers in the chat box, but don’t hit “return” until instructed to do so all at once. This way, everyone can see each other’s answers and banter accordingly.
You can find trivia questions on many websites. We suggest creating trivia questions with a theme. For instance, we created the following trivia game that reflected the multi-generational nature of our community.
So, we’re going to ask 4 pop culture trivia questions, one from each formative decade (‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s, and ‘00s).
1970’s Which icon of 1970’s TV ended every show by tugging on her ear? (Marie Osmond; Carol Burnett; Cher; Ziggy)
Answer: Carol Burnett
1980’s: What is the name of the song that Tom Cruise dances to in Risky Business? For bonus point, include the artist.
Answer: “Old Time Rock and Roll” by Bob Seger
1990’s: List as many members of the Spice Girls as you can
Answer: Scary, Sporty, Baby, Ginger, Posh
2000’s: What was the best selling individual video game from 2000-2009?
(Guitar Hero III; Call of Duty 1; Halo 2; Grand Theft Auto IV)
Breakout Conversation Prompts
What is something that you’re learning about yourself in this season?
What is a book, movie, or TV show that you have enjoyed lately?
What is something new that you’ve tried?
What has been a favorite new activity you’ve adopted?
What has kept you sustained in this season?
What are you most proud of in this season?
If you could transport yourself to a different place in the world right now, where would you go?
What is giving you a sense of hope these days?
What has surprised you about your own capabilities recently?
What internet rabbit hole has occupied your time?
If you could have a dinner date with anyone - alive or dead - who would it be?
What is a childhood memory that is meaningful to you?